Maintaining Your Macintosh

The new RevRDist backup utility is now available.


Welcome to a new section of our web site. We hope everyone finds it helpful. Even if you use a PC, the techniques found here can go a long way to make your computer world easier.

On this page, I wanted to provide a simple means of maintaining your Macintosh computer with minimal downtime and reinstallations. Some people may disagree with what I have written here, even some books state not to do some of the things I do, but these methods have worked for me. As such, there are no guarantees when using the procedures or utilities on this site. As they say, "Use at your own risk!"

What makes me so qualified? Nothing spectacular. Simply, I have been working with Apple computers since 1982 and now I do it for a living. Yes, Apple did make computers back then. Apple produced their first computers way back in 1976.

Basic Principles of Computer Maintenance
1. Every important item on your computer must have a means of being restored.
2. Restore your computer with as little fuss as possible. I'm lazy, pure and simple.
3. Always have the ability to undo what you are about to do to your computer setup.
4. Understand how your computer works to quickly locate the source of trouble.

The beauty is that appropriate backups have the ability to solve principles 1, 2, and 3. Principle #4 comes with experience and is more like a goal to strive for than a principle, so do not worry if you can not meet that goal.

Main Page | Basic Principles | Horror Stories | Setting up for Backups | Utilities

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